Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Suicide Girls

The suicide girls is an interesting web site. It is taking an industry, that has proven to be very succesful over the years, and bringing it to a very specific market. I find it hard to beleive that the suicide girls help feminism in any way. To me this website is no different than playboy. If feminsits want to argue that playboy objects women they must argue that the sucide girls site also objects women. The only difference between playboy and suicide girls is the standard of beauty that appeals to the viewer. They both only select models that meet their standard of beauty. Playboy models have to be blonde and made out of plastic. Suicide girls have to die their hair and made out of ink and peircings. They both objectify women, and therefore suicide girls is in no way a feminst web site. One comment brought up in class that I found interesting was the idea that the suicide girls website gives the viewer a justification for looking at naked women. They can say to themselves that this website is artistic and these women are intelligent. Once again playboy does the same thing except for they target a different market. Someone looking at a playboy can say to themselves this is classy it has jokes, movie reviews, and recipes for making the best martini.

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